Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Typical Weather and Tourism in Norway

In Norway Winter Solstice occur on december 21st. December is the last month of the year, but the first month of winter in Norway. This is the darkest month in Norway and snow is the type of precipitation that is most likely to occur.There can also be some sleet and hail, but rain is not that common during december. The average maximum temperature in Norway in december is 33.8°F and the average minimum temperature is 23°F. 
Summer Solstice occur on june 21st. June is the first of the summer months in Norway and is also the month where we have the long summer-nights. The average maximum temperature in Norway in june is 66.2°F and the average minimum temperature is 50°F. Precipitation that is likely to occur in june is mostly rain due to the temperatures being higher. I have actually several times experienced snow(!) falling down in my backyard though… in june...
Spring Equinoxes occur on march 20th. The average maximum temperature in march in Norway is 39.2°F and the average minimum temperature is 24.8°F. March is the first month of the spring in Norway. This is also the month where Norwegians starting to notice how much longer the days are becoming. The snow is starting to melt in the mountains during this months, but it still snows in march in Norway. Besides snow, march can experience both rain and sleet. 
Autumnal Equinoxes occur on september 23th. The average maximum temperature in Norway in september is 55.4°F and the average minimum temperature is 44.6°F. September is the first month of autumn in Norway. This is the season when  you could experience rain almost every day. The autumn is therefore the wettest season in Norway. Later in the autumn you could experience some sleet, but not in september. 
The spring is a positive season in Norway. This is the time when the norwegians "wakes up" from the long, cold, ongoing winter. March is the month where the days are getting longer, the flowers sprouts, and when the people up north can finally take of their heavy parkas and start wearing lighter jackets. 
Late march or april, during the easter holiday, would be the best time to visit Norway. This is a time where it is not as cold as the winter, but still some snow left up in the mountains to go skiing. In the spring, and especially during easter, Norwegians travels  up to their cabins in the mountains to go skiing and enjoy the easter sun. Even though the average temperatures are set to be very low  you could actually experience great weather in march, especially in the big cities of Norway. To walk down the shopping streets in Oslo during the spring is fantastic, and you would tell how pleased the Norwegians are when they are finally feeling the sun starting to warm them up again!
If you don't want to go skiing you should probably take a hike or visit Trollstigen, Preikestolen and Nordkapp. These are the most popular tourist attractions in Norway along with the cruise ships that will take you through the world-famous Norwegian fjords! 
Visit Norway! Go and see the northern lights or the midnight sun, or visit the world-famous Norwegian fjords,    mountains and glaciers!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Stine! I love our country. Australia which I am representing differs alot from Norway. The seasons is reversed compared to Norway, because they are both located on different hemisphere. You have winter solstice on December 21, while I have summer solstice on December 21. The same reversed trend on the equinoxes. Norway is overall a much colder country then Australia, even though Canberra, which is the capital, can get really cold in winter. Since the countries we are respresenting is very different, the activities is also somewhat different. There are alot of things to in the wintertime in Norway, while most people enjoy Australia in the summer. But hiking is always nice, and like you I recommended tourists to go hiking in Australia to see the nature. What I didnt mention in my blog, is that there is one place in Australia where you can actually go skiing. Perisher Park is famous mountain in Australia where a lot of people travel, mostly in the Autumn (spring in Australia). This is because there is few places on Earth where you find good snow at this time of the year.
