Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Daily Weather in Norway

My country's capital city is Oslo, and I am covering three days of forecasting of the weather in this city. These three days are october 29th, october 30th and october 31st. 
For october 29th the forecasted high is 48°F and the forecasted low is 34°F. The  change for precipitation is at 0%.  
For october 30th the forecasted high is 44°F and the forecasted low is 33°F. The  change for precipitation is at 0%. 
For october 31st the forecasted high is 39°F and the forecasted low is 38°F. The change for precipitation is at 90%. 
The average pressure over these three days are 29.98 inches. The pressure increases over this three day period. The average wind speed over these three days is 5.44 mph and the wind speed decreases over this period. 

    Figure 1: satellite image downloaded from www.wunderground.com

This satellite image shows that there are no clouds in the city of Oslo when this image was taken. Oslo is marked with a black arrow in this image. There are some clouds very far away from Oslo though, which are all cold, and low to middle clouds. You can tell if the clouds are high, middle or low by looking at the legend on the right side of the image, where the color blue represents low/middle clouds. The image shows a blue color which indicates middle frozen and no precipitation. 
The type of ground surface in Oslo is mostly represented by a grey color which indicates a city surface. There are also some small areas that has the color green which represents parks and forests, and by locking at the map I could see a big river going across the whole city of Oslo. 

                                Figure 2: image of Europe downloaded from www.intellicast.com

This image shows both high- and low pressures. The low pressure is located around the country of Norway, while the high pressures is located north and west from Norway. As you can see there are many different fronts. The red line represents a warm front that is located East of Norway. The purple line is a occluded front located North of Norway. The stationary front is located East of Norway and consist of both red and blue lines in-between each other. The cold front is located south of Norway and is represented by a blue line. There is also a cold front far East from Norway in the Russia-region in the right of this image.

                                Figure 3: image of North-western Europe downloaded from www.intellicast.com
This image shows low pressures around Norway. As you can see there are many different fronts. The red line represents a warm front that is located East of Norway. The purple line is a occluded front located North of Norway. The stationary front is located East of Norway and consist of both red and blue lines in-between each other. The cold front is located south of Norway and is represented by a blue line. 

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