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Norway is a part of the European continent and are located in the northern Europe with the other Scandinavian countries. Norway boarders to Sweden, Finland and Russia to the east. The country is surrounded by ocean and boarders the Barents Sea in north, the Norwegian Sea (which is a part of the Atlantic Ocean) in west, and the North Sea in southwest. 

Norway has a total area of 323.802 square kilometers, which would make up for only 4 % of the total area of USA, and is just slightly larger than New Mexico. The norwegian country has been formed mainly by glaciers that has left behind deep valleys and fjords, which is some of the features Norway is best known for, besides being one of Europe's most mountainous countries.  

The last ice age ended 10.000 years ago, and the little ice age, which by the way is not a true ice age, ended in the 1850's. There are still some glaciers left in the mountains in Norway that are actually remaining glaciers from the little ice age. Since I am studying geology I have visited Jostedalsbreen, which is the largest glacier in the continental Europe and located in Norway. I was so lucky to visit the glacier with an geologist who showed me how much the glacier has retreated since the little ice age. 

Norway has a long coastline with multiple islands, and the norwegian coast is actually the world's second longest, after the Canadian coast. The norwegian coast is highly indented with fjords, bays and islands. There is also a lot of lakes in Norway, and the biggest one is called Mjosa. Another noteworthy feature is arctic tundra which is located in north. Arctic tundra contains of treeless plain with very short growing season due to little precipitation. 

Lastly I want to mention Svalbard, which many people seems to forget to do when they are talking about Norway. Svalbard is a norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean and is the northernmost place in the world with permanent population. Svalbard is also known as Spitsbergen, which is the dutch name for the island. Approximately 60 % of Svalbard consist of glaciers, and the nature there is beyond beautiful. My father is currently living there, working for a company which are in charge of all the International Arctic Scientific Research and activity on Svalbard. I visited him last year and to see the arctic wilderness with polar bears, the ice sheets, and the breathtaking nature is without a doubt the most unbelievable experience of my life.


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